
Saturday, July 1, 2017

Prize giving

Which child doesn't like the school holidays?

On Saturday morning  my brother,my dad and I went to my prize giving. “Why do you want to go to your prize giving?”my little brother whispered to me. “Hmmm because I am fan of football.”

When we arrived I looked for my team.They found me and took me by them.When I sat down. There were pictures of the teams I saw myself on the T.V. and I saw my big brother too.

My coach said “our turn will take long.”I didn’t have a problem with that I just looked at the pictures. It started getting boring so I almost fell asleep. But finally it was our turn.

When I was on stage a man called out my name they gave me my trophy. Then it was our turn over our coach gave a letter and in my letter there was not a letter there were tickets to the fake dinosaurs.Know I had to wait for my big brothers turn.My big brother got 2 trophies there team was the last team to go stage and there turn  was over. After that some mans were throwing candy.I got 5  I gave one to my coach one to my brother one to my dad and I ate two.

I felt really amazed of my day.

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