
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

fatastic mr fox

LI:Attached to comprahenshion tasks.

I did the news paper of fantastic Mr Fox.

kiwi can

LI:At kiwi can we were talking about Respect

  Today my group went to kiwi can and we were talking about        respect.You need to respect the rules,repect you mum and dad.Then we played our energiser.Our energiser was a game that they have to number you one,two,three or four.Then they if call your number you have to run our the circle and come back to your place that you were standing up then run to the middle and get te ball.Then they call another number and the have to do the same.Next we did our avtivity,our activity was bus stop you have to have four people in your team and you have to make a sheet in a peice of paper a line for boy names,a line for girl names,a food line,a colour line and a total line.The kiwi can leaders have to say a letter and you have to right a boy name starting with the letter that the kiwi can leaders said for example e I found a name for the boy line ethan so you do the same to the girls name line the food line and the colour line not the total line.